Project 981 Cayman - 911 OEM Big Brake Upgrade (Episode 17)
Project 981 Cayman - Build Series
After our last track day at VIR, we realized we needed to do something more with the brakes. We already had EBC Yellowstuff pads, Motul RBF fluid and stainless lines but we wanted more stopping force. We decided to keep it OEM and utilize the brakes off the 991 Carrera S for the front and the 996 Turbo in the rear. Because we wanted yellow, we went with the PCCB option. We put together an upgrade kit for those who are interested in doing the same. You just need to source the following parts and purchase our upgrade kit.
Part #'s for PCCB Calipers in Yellow:
- 991-351-426-34 (FR Caliper)
- 991-351-425-34 (FL Caliper)
- 996-352-424-32 (RR Caliper)
- 996-352-423-32 (RL Caliper)
- 999-067-053-09 X8 (Caliper Bolts)
Install Prep:
Removing brakes are very easy on any Porsche. They calipers are held onto the hubs via 2 bolts. The rotors are held on by the 5 lug bolts and 2 small phillips-head screws.
Comparison to iPhone 6S:
Install Notes
Install time - should take roughly 2 hours. You will want a friend to help you bleed the brakes at the end. We recommend having 1L of brake fluid as you will lose some when removing the calipers at each corner and will bleed some out. It's probably a good time to swap fluid as well. Removing brakes are simple, here is a good video guide for a 981.
Tools Needed:
- Floor Jack
- Ratchet
- 19mm socket (wheels)
- 10mm hex socket (to remove front caliper bolts)
- T-55 Torx bit (to remove rear caliper bolts)
- Phillips-head bit or screwdriver (to remove rotors)
- Needle nose pliers (to remove cotter pin holding knockout pin)
- Small punch (to knockout rear brake pin)
- 10mm wrench (to remove brake lines and bleed brakes)
Comparison of the New vs Old:
Rear Rotor Comparison
Rear Pad Comparison
The new brakes have significantly more stopping force. The car feels better planted in heavy braking. Probably what one should expect out of a Porsche. We will provide a final verdict after we have a chance to get it on track. We're also going to upgrade the master cylinder to the GT3 master cylinder. Overall this is a very nice option and a bit cheaper than a Brembo big brake kit. It also is 100% bolt on and utilizes Porsche OEM parts.